Tearing up concrete is pretty easy. All you need is a little bit of leverage and horsepower. An excavator or skid steer will usually get the job done just fine. Doing it right takes a bit of skill, but nothing is out reach because of cost or complexity. But at the end of the day, somebody has to crush and recycle it.
Were you planning to crush it? Are you equipped to handle that? If not, that’s fine. Most people aren’t. But then what do you even DO with that leftover concrete? First question is: do you even have a sturdy enough roll-off dumpster to handle that much concrete? Do you have a truck large enough to pull it all the way to where it needs to go? Concrete is heavy (surprise surprise), and it takes some pre-planning to get it taken care of. We have a few recommendations on dumpster size over at our sister site.

The next problem you will face is rebar: you will likely have rebar sticking out of your load every which way, which can be dangerous for workers. Rusty metal is just asking for tetanus if you’re not careful. Were you planning to try to separate it yourself? Maybe think twice about that plan.
The Solution to Concrete Crushing: Weintraub Recycling

All of these issues are why the AAA Service family has expanded to include a new member: Weintraub Recycling Company. We will send the roll-off dumpsters or trucks to your site, pick them up when you are done, and dispose of the material ourselves. At our yard, we sort and crush all of the raw material for you. Weintraub Recycling and AAA Service Company are your end-to-end solution to concrete disposal (and more!).
And if you have your own roll-offs and trucks but don’t know what to do with all that concrete, we absolutely accept drop-offs. You know your own situation and your own site better than we do. You tear up the concrete, and we’ll break it down. Any job, any size. So head over to Weintraub Recycling if you’ve got concrete that you need to be free of, or just give us a call. We’ve got your back.